Bailey Hats

Discover the widest selection of Bailey hats, Panamas, bowlers, and top hats for men in Canada. Founded in 1922, the Bailey Hats of Hollywood company to this day offers outstanding quality and design at affordable prices.

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Bailey Fedoras

Bailey Fedora hats come in a wide array of original colours and shapes. 

From the traditional and timeless looks of the short brim Bailey Tino and wide brim Bailey Blixen to the adventurous looks of the Bailey Curtis and to the original Bailey Walsh porkpie hat and the flamboyant Bailey Burnell, you are sure to find a Bailey fedora hat that suits your style!

Bailey Genuine Panama Hats

Bailey also shines in its offer of genuine Panama hats. These hats are handwoven in Ecuador, according to ancestral tradition. Bailey’s Panama straw hats are of exquisite quality and come in a variety of original shapes and colours, which ensures you’ll find a Bailey Panama hat to your liking! 

Bailey Formal Headwear

Bailey hats are the best option for formal headwear to match a specific outfit or suit for a special occasion such as a wedding, graduation, fancy ball, cocktail, morning suit, or black-tie event.

The Bailey Derby is a good option for a bowler hat. If you need a top hat, the Bailey Ice is unquestionably the best option. The Bailey Godfather is an excellent choice whether you are looking for a Homburg hat.

A History of American Fashion

In 1932, George S. Bailey founded the Bailey Hat company in Los Angeles, California. He quickly became a renowned hatmaker and some of Hollywood’s greatest have worn his creations, be it Cary Grant or Gary Cooper. 

Bailey is still known today for the quality of its creations and the originality of its style. Bailey hats are durable and many of them will offer you outstanding protection against all kinds of weather.